This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Sustainable Finance Geneva events.

While peace finance is a new and growing topic, there are already a range of actors thinking about how to incorporate conflict risk into their investment approach and how to contribute to peace through their investments.

The "Show & Tell" will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about 6-8 initiatives in the field in a brief, engaging format. The event will connect actors interested in the topic, raise awareness, and promote the exploration of synergies and collaboration.

This event takes place on the sidelines of the UN Business and Human Rights Forum.


Anne Marie Burdzy


Gregory Connor


Simon Ehmsen

TrustWorks Global

Rémi Fernandez


Liam Foran

Peace Dividend Initiative

Dominique Habegger

Vice President at Sustainable Finance Geneva

Jonathan Kolieb

RMIT Univerist

Vincent Lehner


See all speakers


Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2
Genève, Switzerland


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For additional event or venue information, please email k.taylor@sfgeneva.orgYou can also reach us at +41786544889

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